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Valley Forge

Valley Forge was the site of General George Washington's military camp for the Continental Army during the winter of 1777-1778. Located 25 miles northwest of Philadelphia and south of the Schuylkill River, the area was easily defensible from the British. Nevertheless, Washington's troops endured a brutal winter as they dealt with severe shortages of food and clothing. The alternating freezing and melting of snow and ice made it impossible to keep dry and thus resulted in the rapid spread of disease. Of the 12,000 Continentals who were living in crowded, damp huts, about 2,500 died from sicknesses including typhoid,jaundice and pneumonia. Although Washington petitioned for relief, the Continental Congress was unable to provide it. The army finally departed the camp 6 months later on June 19, 1778 in pursuit of the British who were moving from Philadelphia to New York. Today the site is both a Pennsylvania State Park and a National Historical Park.

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