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        Written over 200 years ago, the Constitution remains the highest law in the United States.  The Presidency, the Congress and the Supreme Court- all of these were created by this single document that dates back to 1787.  From May to September of that year, the framers met at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia to find a way to manage their new country.  Men including the likes of George Washington, James Madison and Benjamin Franklin debated, made speeches and compromised.  They wanted a plan that would gain the approval of all of the existing 13 states.  However, only 9 of the 13 states had to agree in order for the Constitution to be officially ratified.  New Hampshire became the ninth state to approve it on June 21, 1788 and by 1790, all of the original 13 colonies had ratified the Constitution.  Today, it is the oldest written constitution in operation in the world. 

State Curriculum Standard:

Civics and Government

Identify key ideas about government found in significant documents:

  • United States Constitution
  • Bill of Rights

Now, it is your turn to dig deeper into the Constitution! How does it work? What does it say?  You will soon find out!....



